
I couldn't live the life of birds. there isn't a moment without hard work & perseverance. birds wake and before they take flight, they lookout for predators and any kind of danger. to take flight, they have to flap their wings with enormous amount of strength. the idea of literally spotting/finding food is on a whole different level. then bringing that food back to its family. once again, in everything it does, there is no rest + the fact that it thinks its in danger 24/7. could you? i do respect them hard working creatures including ants, bees, etc.

it's hard living without a pet. with Prince, there is always love in the garden. he's always waiting there to love you. just like Lucky did - she's an angel. Prince loves me much but being a male, he's got ego issues. At my uncle's place, we got fishes and birds. Parakeets + Goldfish, an Oscar and a Green Terror. Birds are lovely, they sing in the morning and through the day till dawn. Fishes are nice to keep, but they need lots of care to keep them alive. They easily die if the right care isn't given and it hurts when you've got a fish for a long time and it dies.

I've been doing research and I've come to realize that I might just have been overseeing the right hobby. I love fishes but better than that, I love Live Planted Aquariums. Instead of just having a fish tank with big fish, these tanks are big on decorating the tank with soil & actual plants to give it a certain look, with any kind of fish - big or small; preferably small. Thinking of starting soon if I can, but going to need lotsa dough. Check it out:

Btw JuJu is going travelling on her own! Exciting? Yes, indeed. Check it, her plans are:

this week:
Sat to Tues - Dubai.
Tues to Sat - Istanbool.
Sat-Sun - Back to SG.

and later:
Jun - Bali.
Jul - San Francisco.
Countdown 2010 - New York.

Amrit, Gret, Sukhi, Jag & Jai are also traveling. Gangster Gret's going Bintan in May,
Professor Amrit has just returned from a snorkeling trip at Rendang Island,
Jai Boy is traveling to New Zeland soon,
Orignial Jag has been rioting in New Zeland recently traveling here & there and,
Sukhi dearest is heading on a tour of Europe once again with friends and then back to Singapore - all this after her heavy exams.

definitely exciting! Good Luck gents & girls. Enjoy!


23 April 2009 at 15:11 -miss sukhi ji- said...

Ok i think its me. But ur cbox does not show. hmph.
Btw europe nt happening & no def. spore plans.

25 April 2009 at 12:33 Kang said...

hm.. why ah? talk to me soon!
btw i think it's just sandy's computer that doesn't show you the cbox.

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